![](../../../picture/2022-3/98202234104625.jpg) 产品描述
Product Description
YE3系列超高效率三相异步电动机,是达到节能评价的低压全封闭自扇冷式扇笼三相异步电动机,其效率 值完全达到GB 18613-2012《中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及能效等级》中的能效2级要求。该产品应 用于国民经济各个领域,如机床、水泵、风机、压缩机,也适用于运输、搅拌、印刷、农机、食品等种类 不含易燃、易爆或腐蚀性气体的场合。
YE3 series high efficency three phase asynchronousmotor is a kind of squirrel cage,low voltage,totally fan cold product, it is match the evaluation requirement of energy saving Grade adn the efficiency coordinate with GB1863-2012. this product is apply to all kinds of area such as machinery, waterpump, blower,air compressor, also suitable to the occasion not contain flammable and explosive gas or corrosive gas while during the transportation, mixing,printing etc.
Product Parameter